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Seed Mix Descriptions
Food Plot Mixes
Switchgrass Blend
A mixture of three varieties of switchgrass, the tallest variety growing 6-8 feet tall. Once established, it will provide cover for 15-20 years.
Switchgrass is a vigorous warm season, native perennial grass which can be planted for many reasons including wildlife cover. It begins growth in late spring and continues through the summer. It grows 3-6 feet in clumps that spread from rhizomes.
Plant 10-15 pounds per acre.
1 pound of seed in each package.
Wildflower Seed Mixes
Bird & Butterfly Wildflower Seed
A blend of perennials and annuals for creating a permanent, backyard habitat to attract your favorite winged wildlife. Flowers in this mix will provide colorful blooms all season long as well as nectar and seed for songbirds, hummingbirds, and butterflies.
Mix components: black-eyed Susan, blanketflower, butterfly milkweed, California poppy, candytuft, China aster, cornflower, dwarf godetia, dwarf plains coreopsis, gayfeather, Indian blanket, lance-leaved coreopsis, lemon mint, Mexican hat, perennial lupine, purple coneflower, rocket larkspur, scarlet sage, Siberian wallflower, sweet alyssum.
1 ounce package, sows 125 square feet.
Deer Resistant Wildflower Mix
A blend of perennial and annual garden flowers and wildflowers that are known to be resistant to deer browsing. Keep in mind that is natural food supplies are low, or local populations of deer are dense, even these plants may be browsed by deer.
Mix components: bergamot, blue sage, California poppy, corn poppy, four O'clocks, French marigold, gold yarrow, lavender, lemon mint, perennial lupine, purple giant hyssop, rocket larkspur, sweet alyssum sweet William pinks.
1 ounce package, sows 250 square feet
Pollinator Wildflower Seed
A blend of widely adaptable, annual and perennial flowers that provide nectar to and pollen to wild bees, honey bees, and other pollinators. It is suited for maintained landscapes such as garden beds and borders. It provides forage all season long.
Mix components: baby blue eyes, bergamot, blue flax, California poppy, China aster, Chinese forget-me-not, corn poppy, fleabane daisy, globe gilia, Indian blanket, lance-leaved coreopsis, New England aster, plains coreopsis, purple coneflower, purple giant hyssop, Siberian wallflower, sweet alyssum, tidy tips.
1 ounce package, sows 200 square feet.
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