Water Testing
Clean and safe drinking water is important. Some water quality issues are caused by the distribution system and plumbing in the house. The only way to ensure your drinking water is safe is to have it tested.
Recommended tests:
Coliforms/E.coli (Bacteriology)
Partial Chemistry (includes testing for Fluoride, Chloride, Hardness, Nitrate, Nitrite,
Sulfate, Sodium, and Iron)
The Shiawassee Conservation District offers free nitrate and nitrite screenings. Contact the District office for details.
Water testing bottles are available at the Shiawassee County Environmental Health Department Environmental Health (shiawassee.net). The Shiawassee Conservation District has a limited supply as well.
Farmland and Open Space Preservation Programs
The Farmland and Open Space Preservation Program preserves farmland and open space. Visit MDARD's Farmland and Open Space Preservation Program website for more information.
Web Soil Survey
The Web Soil Survey is a free service operated by the Natural Resources Conservation Service. It provides access to soil maps and data across the United States.
Farmers.gov is a secure web portal that lets you work with the Natural Resources Conservation Service online. Landowners and land managers can track their payments, report completed practices, request conservation assistance, and electronically sign documents.
New Farmer Resources
Agriculture is full of exciting and rewarding opportunities. Farming is a tough job, but at the heart of it all you see a vibrant community contributing to the future of our nation’s health and food security. Find the resources you need to get started on the Beginning Farmers and Ranchers website.
Historically Underserved Resources
A guide to USDA resources for historically underserved farmers and ranchers. This guide helps you decide if you are a historically underserved farmer or rancher and helps you get started with USDA, whether you are new to farming, ranching, or forestry management. From farm loans to crop insurance, and conservation programs to disaster assistance.
Farm Bill Program Links