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Tree & Shrub Descriptions
Paper Birch
Betula papyrifera
Height: 40-65'
Light: Shade intolerant
Site Conditions: Grows on a veriety of soils, best in well-drained acidic, sandy or silty loam
Notes: White bark on outer surface of trunk spearating into thin, papery layers; snowshoe hair and deer browse; food for birds and small mammals
Diospyros virginiana
Height: 15-40'
Light: Shade tolerant
Site Conditions: Grows on a wide range of conditions from dry, sterile, sandywoodlands to river bottoms to rocky hillsides
Notes: Thrives in full sun, but is shade-tolerant; flowres March-June and fruits September-november; has a deep taproot making it good for erosion control
Viburnum lentago
Height: 13-22'
Light: Moderately shade intolerant
Site Conditions: Adaptable to a wide range of sites, but is commonly found natively in moist areas with rich loam to clay-loam soil
Notes: Creamy-white flowers early to mid May; red/blue fragrant edible berry; fruits are food for many birds and animals
Redosier Dogwood
Cornus stolonifera
Height: 3-10'
Light: Shade intolerant
Site Conditions: Grows best in moist, somewhat poorly drained, medium to coarse soils; not tolerant of droughty conditions
Notes: Showy red stems related to sun exposure, shade-grown plants have greenish stems; beneficial for slop stablization
Lindera benzoin
Height: 3-16'
Light: Shade tolerant
Site Conditions: Grows well in moist or dry situations when planted; best growth in muck soil of decidious swamps
Notes: Tolerant of high water tables; all parts of the plant are aromatic; food for green-clouded swallowtail and prometha moth caterpillars
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